
Nawala bristles with energy. The staff at this school of 100 children, high up in the hills an hour northeast of Galle, is exuberant and supremely dedicated in equal measure. Mr Chandarasiri, the principal, and his colleagues have collaborated with Extra Cover on a number of projects – the most significant of which has been the building of a Montessori (“Pre-Prep”) school, together with a separate, fully furnished playground. There are now 15 Montessori pupils, taught by two specialist teachers.

Nawala is a “community” school – the whole village is engaged with the education of the girls and boys – and Extra Cover is privileged to be part of their dream. In July the school will host a cricket match with Brighton college pupils. The last two years have seen similar contests – both times the English side has been utterly humiliated.

Posted in The schools.