The Nawala Pre-school opened for its first day in February 2011. This project has been carefully overseen by Newton, the principal of the school and a government Technical Officer to ensure that only the best building standards have been met. Although most of the work has been carried out by skilled labourers, much of the preparation work and help has been given by parents of the children, it has been a real community effort.
Matthew visited and met the 15 new children who are to attend the school, the school looked fantastic, mainly thanks to the enthusiasm of the 2 new teachers (both paid for by extra Cover) who have encouraged the children to decorate the walls with their paintings and drawings. On the day Matthew visited they also had a bring and buy sale with the proceeds going towards stationary for the children.
Next Extra Cover is looking to fund a new toilet, playground equipment, new furniture and grills for the windows, hopefully this will all be in place by the end of the year